ORNL is participating in OneID, an identity federation managed by DoE. ORNL employees can use the ORNL AzureAD login button for single sign-on, or the ORNL Yubikey login button to sign in with a certificate.
External collaborators can use the OneID login button to log in using an HSPD-12 PIV badge, a common access card (CAC), or credentials for one of the participating labs shown on the OneID screen. If you do not have a qualified badge or do not see your organization among the OneID choices, click the icon for Login.Gov and create an account. If you use the same email address for login.gov that you have registered in the past with XCAMS, your account will automatically be linked.
If you are logging into the Gitlab server for the first time, be sure to take note of your username (e.g. @JohnDoe).
Please contact [email protected] for support.