
The Molten Salt Thermal Properties Database–Thermochemical (MSTDB-TC) and Molten Salt Thermal Properties Database–Thermophysical (MSTDB-TP) databases are available for public use. MSTDB-TC contains Gibbs energy models and values for molten salt components and related systems of interest with respect to molten salt reactor technology. MSTDB-TP consists of tabulated thermophysical properties and relations for computing properties as a function of temperature or composition.

MSTDB-TC thermodynamic information resides in files in the “Chemsage” .dat (ASC II) format for use with the FactSage® commercial package of thermodynamic codes andcompatible with the open-source equilibrium code Thermochimica.

  • Separate files are provided for chloride- and for fluoride-based systems.
  • Changes by FactSage® developers have resulted in the need to provide files readable by FactSage® Ver. 8.0 or lower and FactSage® Ver. 8.1 or higher, as noted in the documentation that will accompany the database download.
  • Additional files include those for tracing all data sources and a library of published phase diagrams together with companion MSTDB-TC-computed phase diagrams to allow the user to compare model results with those previously reported.

MSTDB-TP contains sets of referenced values and relations for thermophysical properties including density, thermal conductivity, viscosity and heat capacity. The database is maintained as a csv file of the salt systems thermophysical property data, uncertainty (when characterizable), and literature references. MSTDB-TP can be integrated with other NEAMS codes via Saline, which is an API for accessing pieces of data from the database. A GUI has been developed for easier navigation and visualization of the data within the database.


MSTDB-TC is a copyrighted database available license-free, and cannot be sold all or in part. Development is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy Molten Salt Reactor Campaign, Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation Program, and Nuclear Energy University Programs. MSTDB-TP is a product of Department of Energy MSR-related research programs.

How to Access

  • Database Location

    The databases and associated documents are hosted on a publicly accessible, permission-protected server at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL):
    https://code.ornl.gov/neams/mstdb/. Access requires an account on the ORNL/ITSD Gitlab server and an MSTDB membership, which once granted will allow downloading of all files.

  • ORNL/ITSD Gitlab Server Access

    ORNL is participating in OneID, an identity federation managed by DoE. ORNL employees can use the ORNL AzureAD login button for single sign-on, or the ORNL Yubikey login button to sign in with a certificate.

    External collaborators can use the OneID login button to log in using an HSPD-12 PIV badge, a common access card (CAC), or credentials for one of the participating labs shown on the OneID screen. If you do not have a qualified badge or do not see your organization among the OneID choices, click the icon for Login.Gov and create an account. If you use the same email address for login.gov that you have registered in the past with XCAMS, your account will automatically be linked.

    If you are logging into the Gitlab server for the first time, be sure to take note of your username (e.g. @JohnDoe).

    Please contact [email protected] for support.

  • Request MSTDB membership

    • Fill out this FORM with all necessary information. This will notify the MSTDB team and you will be added to the database on the closest Tuesday or Thursday relative to submission of the form.
    • If you are not automatically added to the Gitlab project for MSTDB by the end of the closest Tuesday or Thursday relative to submission of the form, email to [email protected] to inform that you have submitted the MSTDB Sign-up form and you are awaiting access to the project.